Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Irresistable German Chocolate Cake

I was fully aware upon beginning this blog that soon I would get distracted and stop writing. However, its a New Year and I am going to try to get back into the swing of things. It is likely that the same problems will ensue and as homework increases blog posts will decrease, but lets start out a little optimistic.

I discovered this recipe and was initially quite skeptical as I don't really like German Chocolate cake, but this changed my view on everything. If you have New Years Resolutions to be healthy, please stay far far away from the coconut filling because no matter how strong willed you think you are, this will be your demise.
The first time making this I covered it with a chocolate ganache, which I always dread working with but made it deliciously rich. The second time I was covering the cake in fondant to decorate so I put a layer of chocolate buttercream over the cake beneath the fondant to hold it all together. Both were supremely tasty and worked out quite well, so try either one depending on what's your favorite, or just what ingredients you have on hand.

The only pictures I have of it are the fully decorated versions (a blackjack cake for an engineering friend and a Jewish book cover for my grandfather) so it is a little difficult to see what the cake actually looks like. Trust me though, it's delicious and worthy of making as a spectacular gift for someone's birthday. 

Enough talk. Cake time:

German Chocolate Cake

4 oz. German Chocolate
1/2 C. water
4 eggs, separated
2 C. flour
1tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 C. butter, softened
1 1/2 C. sugar
2 tsp vanilla
1 C. buttermilk

  • Microwave chocolate and water in large bowl in 30 s. intervals until melted
  • Beat egg whites in small bowl with hand mixer until stiff peaks form, set aside
  • Mix flour, baking soda, and salt in another bowl
  • Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy - add egg yolks 1 at a time
  • Blend in melted chocolate and vanilla extract
  • Add flour mixture alternately with buttermilk, beat until well blended
  • Fold in egg whites, stir gently until combined
  • Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test
  • Let cool in pan(s) for 15 minutes then place on wire racks
  • Trim cake and layer with coconut pecan frosting, top with chocolate ganache or buttercream

 Coconut Pecan Frosting

4 egg yolks
12 oz. evaporated milk
2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 C. sugar
3/4 C. butter or margarine
7 oz. shredded coconut
1 1/2 C. chopped pecans

  • Beat egg yolks, evaporated milk and vanilla in large sauce pan
  • Add sugar and butter - cook on medium heat for about 12 minutes or until think and golden
  • Remove from heat - stir in coconut and nuts
  • Try not to eat it all before you put it on the cake
To cover the cake, take your pick between chocolatey options...

Chocolate Buttermilk Frosting

4 oz. semisweet chocolate, melted
1 C. butter, softened
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 C. Cocoa powder
5 C. powdered sugar
1/3 C. buttermilk 

  • Cream butter and chocolate - add vanilla and cocoa powder
  • Add sugar one cup at a time
  • Pour buttermilk in small intervals until desired consistency is reached
  • Spread generously over cake layers
Or if you're feeling like taking the more traditional German Chocolate route...

Chocolate Ganache 

12 ounces chocolate, chopped into small pieces
1 cup heavy cream
3 T. Kahlua or Baileys

  • Bring cream to a simmer in a small sauce pan
  • Pour cream over chocolate pieces and stir until melted
  • Allow mixture to cool - the longer you let it sit the thicker it will be
  • Pour over cake layers and allow to cool in refrigerator until completely set

So when you've let all your New Years Resolutions slide by the wayside, give this recipe a try and just bask in its decadence with some good friends!