Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cannoli-ventures: An Introduction

The History...

5 years ago on a fateful evening in Manhattan, I was wandering through the village with my brother and I had decided I wanted a cannoli. At the time, this did not seem like an unreasonable request. Little did we know that it would be so difficult to find a place that would sell cannolis, and even if we did, they would not be open on this particular Friday night. After an hour or so of wandering, we gave up and I got a cookie instead which, while tasty, was ultimately disappointing. 
Since this time, I have developed a true love affair with the crunchy creamy smooth and delicious dessert. It has become tradition that everytime I'm in New York, I go on a hunt for a cannoli, which I now call cannoli-ventures, because it always ends up being more of an adventure than originally anticipated. Now, on these hunts, it cannot just be any cannoli, there are rules.

The Rules:
1. Never go in alone - 
cannoli-ventures should always have at least two people.
2. Never compromise
once a cannoli-venture has commenced it must end in a cannnoli, no exceptions.
3. Never accept subpar cannolis -
EuroPan, Hot N' Crusty, and other chains of the like are unacceptable.
**exception: except in extremely desperate times in order to fulfill rule #2
4. Venture!
nowhere is too far away for a good cannoli.

So in addition to new recipes to try and sweet desserts to make, I'll also be chronicling Cannoli-ventures here. There has been a lot done in the past that I'll still put up now even if its not happening this very instant. It'll hop around a bit because after all- *every good story has a beginning, middle and an end, although not necessarily in that order. *Jean-Luc Godard

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