The Girl Behind the Apron

I am a Physics and Mechanical Engineering Major studying at Columbia University. I studied Physics at Willamette University in Salem, OR for the past two years where I spent my time hiding out from rain and working for my school's theater scene shop building sets. While Salem was never the most bustling city, with the help of a few good friends and lots of good food, we kept it interesting enough. However, I'm ecstatic to be studying at Columbia Engineering and living in New York where the 24 hour grocery stores will cater much more effectively to my 2 am baking adventures.

I have also played the harp for 11 years both as a solo artist and in various chamber groups and large ensembles. I have spent many summers doing music festivals and I strive to hold a recital at least once a year so that I keep up with practicing. I love playing in small chamber groups and am always looking for new musicians to collaborate with. I got to do a lot of performing while I was in Oregon because I was one of the only harpists in Salem. While this isn't as true in New York, its great to have the kind of music community that a bigger city provides.

My baking developed from baking my brother his surprise 16th birthday cake. From that experience I found I really enjoyed cake decorating, and taught myself many new techniques over the past few years. Close friends, classmates, and random people know that when a birthday, final exam, or random day where I have a light schedule occurs, it usually means a cake or cookies custom decorated for their particular interests; whether it be a zombie head or an upright version of Times Square - I take on all challenges.

My passion for cake decorating turned into all around dessert making and decorating, and has most recently developed into a love for almost any cooking and baking endeavor. I started this to share some of ideas for fun and usually pretty quick recipes to try. I'm an impatient baker and keep busy enough to know that sometimes you need a recipe that can just fit in between classes, work, friends, and all the other joys of life.