Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer Vodka Infusions

aaaaaaand we're back! Let's skip all of the oh man it's been so long, I'm so lazy and haven't written. More important things are afoot. 

I'm now in Philadelphia working for Boeing and am subletting from some UPenn students. It's not exactly the most beautiful place, and the kitchen is such a mess that I can't really do a lot of great cooking. However, I can infuse vodka. Now, this infusion is not complete, I just put the jars together. The good thing is it will force me to update the blog at least one more time to report how it all turns out. 

There are so many flavors of vodka out there now, from marshmallow to watermelon, salted caramel to blueberry. I thought I'd try to make a few of my own. It's incredibly simple thus far and took me about 20 minutes. Take some old mason jars and get some fresh and flavorful ingredients. I finally took advantage of the Reading Terminal Market here in Philly and wandered around there picking some fresh fruit and herbs to use. I chose to make 5 varieties: Peach n' Berry, Rosemary, Vanilla, Citrus, and Pear. 

So, grab a bottle of your favorite vodka...

gather some flavorful ingredients...

 And get infusing!

The vanilla bean is easy: I just took one and sliced it lengthwise, turned it inside out and placed it into the jar and filled it with vodka. Basically the same with the rosemary, I just tossed two full rosemary stems into the jar and filled it up.

For the citrus, I placed two slices of grapefruit and two slices of valencia oranges into the jar, and the pear I just sliced red and green pears and arranged them around the edges. 

I used the biggest jar for the peach n' berry, sliced half a peach and 4 strawberries and then tossed in a handful of blueberries and raspberries, leaving them whole. 

They take anywhere from 3-7 days to infuse, so I'm going to leave them in a dark cool place (a box in my air conditioned room, for the next few days and try them intermittently until I like the flavors. For those of you that can really only appreciate instagram-style photos, here's a version a bit more in that genre. 

Hopefully I will report back in a bit with some great success stories and tasty vodka, until then I'm off to Denver for some splatter painting and quality Becca time!