Sunday, October 30, 2011

Candy Corn Cookies!

I know most people, myself included, have already had their Halloween parties and are now looking forward toward Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Especially with all the snow hitting the Northeast, it seems even nature wants to push us into December. However, if you are one of the few and the proud to host their Halloween Party on the 31st or are just looking for more ways to celebrate on your own and hold on to October for as long as possible, I highly recommend making these. 
They are from a basic sugar cookie recipe, so choose your favorite. Mine is listed below and I absolutely love this recipe, it doesn't get better than these. You can also just use two packages of sugar cookie mix if you're in a hurry, but you'll lose out on that homemade flavor.

Basically, make your sugar cookie dough and divide it into three sections. Dye one orange, one yellow, and leave the other white.  

 Roll out the yellow dough into a rectangle on a sheet of wax paper. The thickness will depend on the size cookie you are hoping for. I rolled mine out to about 1/4" and made cookies that were about the size of real candy corn. For larger cookies, leave the dough thicker. 

Set the yellow aside and repeat the same process with the orange dough. It can be difficult to get it exactly the same size as the yellow, but don't worry too much. Flip the orange dough over onto the yellow dough. Be careful about how much flour you use when rolling out the dough. You want to make sure the dough slabs will meld together and if there is too much flour on the top they will stay separate and make your life difficult later on.

Repeat the process for the white dough and you will end up with something that looks like this. As you can see, my layers were not exactly even, but once you slice it up into millions of little candy corn, it's not noticeable.

Refrigerate this slab for an hour or so until it is stiff. Then cut a line of the dough and slice diagonal lines in alternate directions to make the triangle candy corn. If the colors separate when you cut them, lightly squish them back together and place on your cookie sheet. Half the candy corn will be the correct color scheme (yellow on the bottom) and half will have white on the bottom, but they still portray the right idea.

If you want thicker cookies as you move along, you can squish the slab of dough together to make it thicker and slice in the same way as before. I made a bunch of tiny cookies and then decided to have some bigger ones as well.

Bake the cookies according to your recipe. For mine this meant 400F for 6-8 minutes. Remove the cookies and cool them on a wire rack.

A bowl of candy corn - in cookie form!

No Fail Sugar Cookies 
(makes a lot)
1 1/2 cups butter, softened 
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
4 eggs
1 Tsp vanilla
5 cups all purpose flour
2 Tsp baking powder
1 Tsp salt

  • Cream butter and sugar, beat in eggs one at a time and add vanilla
  • Blend in flour, baking powder, salt
  • Chill for 30 min-1hr (for the candy corn I dyed them first, and rolled the slabs before chilling)
  • Cut as desired and bake at 400F for 6-8 minutes - until lightly browned on edges

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