Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cannoli-ventures: Cafe Roma in Little Italy

On my 16th birthday I brought two of my closest friends to New York with me for a weekend gallivanting around seeing shows and exploring. We went on a cannoli-venture back then, but were not forward thinking enough to fully document it all. The only remnant is this victorious picture of me finally biting into it.

Years later, one of those girls, Julie, moved to New York on her own to start working and now lives on the Upper West Side. We are both believers in taking tons of photos and are passionate about Italian desserts, so she is the perfect companion to hunt with.

Last October I spent a long weekend visiting my brother and Julie and since she had just arrived in the city, we did a lot of walking arond and seeing different areas. During an afternoon in Chinatown, we ended up in Little Italy and found an incredible looking bakery that boasted having won a cannoli competition. Needless to say we were determined to try this, but we had just eaten pounds of fried rice and noodles couldn't imagine having anything more. As difficult as it was to pass up, we decided to take our chances and try to come back another time before the weekend was through.

Two days later we spent the afternoon at Coney Island giggling like small children and strolling along the boardwalk. We hit it right at sunset and it made for some beautiful photo opportunities

And what's a trip to Coney Island without exorbitant amounts of fair food. The cotton candy was 2 for 1, okay...

We returned after dinner and somehow determined that the plethora of oil and sugar that we had eaten did not subdue our sweet tooths for the night. The long subway ride back to Manhattan convinced us that a trip to Little Italy was due.

 Also, we had sworn to go back and could not give up on this cannoli goldmine. So just as they were closing we burst into Cafe Roma on Mulberry and Broome St. and got some Tiramisu and of course the requisite cannoli.

It was just as gratifying as we anticipated and we sat as the only two people in the restaurant nibbling on our desserts as the older Italian man glared at us for asking for another glass of water.

I wish I could give a more in depth critique of the cannoli, but it was too long ago to remember the details. I do wish there had been chocolate chips on the cannoli, but the cream was probably rich enough as is. Believe me, it was tasty, and though tiramisu is a new thing for me, I thoroughly enjoyed that as well. Just writing about them is making me hungry.

This ended up being one of the easier quests, even if it did take a few days from start to finish. Victory was ours, and what a delectable victory it was.

date - October 23-25 2010
location - Cafe Roma, Mulberry and Broome st.
company - julie
food - cannoli and tiramisu
review - very tasty

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