Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mom's Zucchini Bread

My pictures do this incredible bread no justice.

Throughout my childhood, my mom would amaze my brother and me with her delectable breakfasts. I took it for granted that every morning we would have a hot breakfast ready for us, and now I see how truly wonderful that was. One of my favorite smells to wake up to in the morning was zucchini bread. If you've never had some, it sounds like a very strange concept - squash bread. But it makes for a moist and delicious bread that is perfect for all times of the day.

I always thought that since I loved this bread so much that it must be difficult to make: if it were easy, wouldn't we have it every day? Thankfully, this bread is so simple to make, I can throw it in to the oven in about ten minutes, and then spend the next hour or so practicing harp as the sweet smells waft from the oven filling my entire apartment. 

I'll admit, I have played with my mom's original recipe a bit... partially because I like to avoid using oil in my baking as much as possible, and applesauce is such a great alternative. So here is my slightly adapted version of my mom's incredible zucchini bread. This version is quite healthy and definitely guilt-free, so after haivng some for breakfast, don't be ashamed to continue snacking throughout the day!

Mom's Zucchini Bread (adapted)

1/2 C. Apple sauce
1 mashed banana (optional, makes the bread very moist)
1 C. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs
1 C. grated zucchini
1 1/2 C. flour (all purpose or whole wheat)
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 C. chopped walnuts (optional)

  • Preheat oven to 325F.
  • Combine the apple sauce, banana and brown sugar until well mixed.
  • Add the eggs one at a time, blending well between each
  • Stir in the zucchini, half the wlanuts, and vanilla extract
  • Blend the rest of the ingredients in a separate bowl and mix into the wet ingredients gradually
  • Pour into greased loaf pan and top with remaining walnuts
  • Bake for 45-55min or until top bounces back when touched

If you have a sweet tooth, this can easily be turned into a healthy cake by topping it with cream cheese frosting - chocolate, regular, or half of each!

(Chocolate) Cream Cheese Frosting
1 8oz. package cream cheese
4 C. powdered sugar
1 1/2 T. lemon juice
3-5 T. cocoa powder (optional, to taste)

  • Cream together the cream cheese and lemon juice
  • Add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time, beating well between additions
  • Stir in cocoa powder (if desired), adding more or less depending on how much chocolate flavor you desire
  • Spread over cooled pieces of zucchini bread and top with raspberries and sprinkles

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